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Membership Benefits & Levels

NCMHA Memberships

The NCMHA is a non-profit trade association representing:

  • Retailers
  • Manufacturers
  • Finance and Insurance Companies
  • Community Owners and Managers
  • Developers
  • Service/Supplier Companies
  • Installation Contractors

Membership in the association currently totals more than 1,000. Member companies include all of the retail sales centers in the state, all of the in-state manufacturers and virtually all of the out-of-state manufacturers who are licensed to ship homes to the state. A high percentage of the suppliers and finance companies, are also members. NCMHA was founded in 1968 to promote the ownership of manufactured homes and to develop high professional standards for those involved in the industry. The Association's public, government and consumer relations programs are directed toward these goals. In essence, the Association serves as a source of information for members, government and consumers.

NCMHA is a proud member of the Manufactured Housing Institute. For information about the manufactured housing industry in other states or at the national level, please visit the MHI web site at

NCMHA Membership Levels

  • Associate: (non-industry - must be approved): $100 per year
  • Finance: $250 per year
  • Insurance: $250 per year
  • Community Owner/Operator: 1-10 spaces: $25 per year; 11-110 spaces: $25 + $1 for each space over 10 per year (ex: 40 spaces=$25 + $30 = $55); 111+ spaces: $125 per year
  • Developer: $100 per year
  • Manufacturer: $900 minimum per year ($900 must accompany application; this represents the first 12 floors shipped to NC retailers). $75 per floor shipped.
  • Service/Supplier: $250 per year
  • Installation Contractor: $50 per year

For more information on member benefits and becoming a member of NCMHA, e-mail Kim Mruk -

NCMHA Membership Benefits

The following are just a handful of the advantages you gain by being a member of NCMHA.